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Mugwort, Witchcraft Ingredients, Spell Ingredients, Smudging ,Wicca Spell Ingredient, Ritual Ingredients, Apothecary

Mugwort Santa Yerba Smudge 4"

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 Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon glutinosum and Eriodictyon californicum) is grown in the dry hill areas of California and Northern Mexico. This wand has sweet smell which will delight your senses, home, office or any surrounding. A wonderful ceremonial wand to burn for healing, purification, & spirit work.
 Mugwort, Black Sage, also known as Dream Weed, Motherwort, Mother of the woods,Magickal Sage used for its unique ability to stimulate dreams, is found in the mountains of the West Coast from California north through British Columbia. It is renowned as a smudging herb for its subtle, sweet scent and dream-inducing qualities. This sage is used for magic purposes in ritual practices and for protection.
Wake Ye Dead!!

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