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Gypsy Caravan (A Divinatory Group)

Público·387 miembros

A classic celtic cross spread with my Steampunk Tarot Deck. I like to do readings based on the "moving foward " concept with an open mindedness to divine counsel and guidance. I was impressed by how many major arcana were in this reading (six in a ten card reading) Starting with the significator - The fools Adventure is still moving forward and being crossed by an uprush of creative energy imbued in the Ace of Swords. The wheel of fortune says I am changing (The World also indicates transformation ) The Star at the base of the matter indicates a hopefulness (yes I still feel that) that comes into fruition again with the drawing of The Strength card (I pull the Strength card quite often in the final outcome spot) .The four of wands in the views of others spot is kinda funny, everybody must think im partying it …

Unknown member
Oct 25, 2022

Beautiful reading

Ravenwind Pendragon
Practitioner/Employee of The Devine Craft

High Mystic

Practitioner of The Devine Craft


🃏Group Tarot Draw 🃏

Deck used- Dungeons And Dragon's Tarot

Card drawn- The Sun


Abundance · Achievement · Joy · Productivity · Success

As an inherently good influence, finding the Sun is a positive development. It is suggestive of personal gain, and that personal goals and joy are within reach, if you are willing to invest the effort to actualize them. If you are embarking on a new personal venture, such as marriage or beginning a family, the Sun is of particular influence.

Ravenwind Pendragon
Practitioner/Employee of The Devine Craft

High Mystic

Practitioner of The Devine Craft


🃏Group Tarot Draw

Deck used Runic Tarot. Card Drawn Six Of Wands

Keywords recognition, perseverance over hardship, victory, honored

Image description

A warrior raises a banner high on a staff, it is black and white and billows in the wind. They wear thick leather armor and have short cropped red hair. They stand in the ravine down low. Many tall rocks appear around the figure. A large rock stands closest to the warrior. It looks hand carved because the face of Thor wearing a helmet peeks out from the side. Six figures appear above the warrior, some wearing claoks, others armor. They are also cheering. The figures wearing cloaks wave staves into the air.a bind rune appears in the air above the tattered banner.

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